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Monday, February 10, 2014

People Will Tell You It's Wrong, But It's Probably Not

When I was young, I was told not to commit any wrongdoings, for it would probably leave me with regret for the rest of my life. I had kept that in mind until that one day when another thought made its way into my head. That one thought that contradicts to what I used to believe.

What did I believe in? Well.... I was a kid who didn't know how to view things from my own perspective. I was not sure whether I didn't have one or I was just too young and dumb to do it. I could not define what was right, nor could I define what was wrong. I let people around me instill their thoughts into mine. I took their definitions in without doubts. I allowed fear to take its place, the fear of being wrong. In other words, I was scared of doing things that others consider wrong. To sum it up, I believed in others' beliefs; that's the answer.

As I grew up, I started wishing I had asked the question 'how?' instead of saying 'okay' all the time, for I began wondering how people tell when something is wrong. I could only tell that killing people is wrong; breaking the law is wrong; those were pretty obvious to me, to everybody, but how about something that is not written into law? Something that is never generalized as wrong? Something that only you yourself can define? How can they tell?

That question got harder to answer when there came the moment when most of things I had believed to be wrong all my life made me feel so right. You know what? I used to be told not to take risk in life, for doing something out of what we call ordinary life would lead me to danger, regret, and disappointment. I used to be told that it's wrong, but what they considered wrong is the same thing that has brought me to where I'm standing right now, and I haven't seen anything wrong about taking risk in life at all. Not until then did I realize I would never be able to find a true answer to my question.

People told me this was wrong, and that was wrong. They told me it's not the right time. Sometimes, they don't tell me anything, but their expression says it all. It says everything about it is wrong, but at the same time, someone told me that the world isn't what it is but what it might be, and what we think is right could be wrong to others; it depends upon how we think and what we believe in. I might not find a true answer to my question. However, I have found what is true to me; I have found what I believe in. I don't believe in wrong timing. I believe in waiting for the right time. People are going to tell me it's wrong, but it's possibly been right all along or probably, it will be.

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